Meet Shihan Carolyn

I typically work with women who are like me when I started my journey to Blackbelt and beyond. These women are probably
– ​Over 35
– ​Out of shape – near-zero endurance, limited flexibility
– ​Work a full-time job, or run a small business full-time+ (being a home school mom qualifies – the first of these women I trained to Blackbelt were home school moms! )
– ​May have participated in athletic endeavors in the past (for me it was cross country, track, and soccer in elementary school, matching band in high school, and ballroom dancing in college and for a few years thereafter)
– ​Possibly have a son in elementary school who is very active, and may be gifted athletically, academically or both
​Participated in personal or professional development in the past
– ​Have tried 5 or more times to lose weight with varying degrees of success

In fact, “the world” (in its over-simplistic and generally limiting way) would probably say, “This woman could never be a Blackbelt.” That’s who I was – I still get that look until I whip out some K.A. My purpose and pleasure is walking hand-in-hand with moms like me to take back control of her fitness, believe in her parenting again, and rock the life she’s chosen!

Shihan Carolyn Borton
Shihan Carolyn Borton

Making the world a safer place – one mother / daughter / sister at a time!

Krav Maga

Greetings from Our Director of First Impressions – Rita Ann

Your Next Steps

  1. Access our special gift to you
    5 Strikes Every Woman MUST Know!
  2. Join us for our next event
    Chics Kick Master Class
  3. Connect with Shihan Carolyn through a
    Personal Discovery Session